-bash-3.2$ make gcc -c testMain.c gcc -c drawingFunctions.c gcc -c shapeFunctions.c gcc -c tdd.c gcc -lm -Wall -g drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o testMain.o -o testMain gcc -c drawHouse.c gcc -lm drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o drawHouse.o -o drawHouse gcc -c drawFilledColorHouse.c gcc -lm drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o drawFilledColorHouse.o -o drawFilledColorHouse gcc -c drawSnowman.c gcc -lm drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o drawSnowman.o -o drawSnowman gcc -c drawManySnowmen.c gcc -lm drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o drawManySnowmen.o -o drawManySnowmen gcc -c drawFlags.c gcc -lm drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o drawFlags.o -o drawFlags gcc -c ourDrawing.c gcc -lm drawingFunctions.o shapeFunctions.o tdd.o ourDrawing.o -o ourDrawing ./drawHouse house.pbm /usr/bin/convert house.pbm house.gif ./drawFilledColorHouse filledHouse.pbm /usr/bin/convert filledHouse.pbm filledHouse.gif ./drawSnowman /usr/bin/convert snowman.pbm snowman.gif ./drawManySnowmen /usr/bin/convert manySnowmen.pbm manySnowmen.gif ./drawFlags /usr/bin/convert flags.pbm flags.gif ./ourDrawing /usr/bin/convert ourDrawing.pbm ourDrawing.gif /bin/mkdir -p /cs/faculty/pconrad/public_html/cs16/lab08 /bin/cp house.gif filledHouse.gif snowman.gif manySnowmen.gif flags.gif ourDrawing.gif /cs/faculty/pconrad/public_html/cs16/lab08 echo "Visit http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~pconrad/cs16/lab08 to see your pics" Visit http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~pconrad/cs16/lab08 to see your pics ./testMain Test distanceBetween(p1,p2) passed Test distanceBetween(p2,p1) passed Test distanceBetween(p3,p4) passed Test distanceBetween(p4,p5) passed Test distanceBetween(p5,p3) passed Test pointsApproxEqual(p1,p1,tol) passed Test !pointsApproxEqual(p1,p2,tol) passed Test !pointsApproxEqual(p2,p1,tol) passed Test testInitPoint p1 passed Test testInitPoint p2 passed Test testInitPoint p3 passed Test testInitPoint p4 passed Test testMakePoint p1 passed Test testMakePoint p2 passed Test testMakePoint p3 passed Test testInitBox b1 passed Test testInitBox b2 passed All tests passed! -bash-3.2$